Monday, 16 September 2013

Specials (Uglies #3) by Scott Westerfeld

Specials (Uglies #3)

by Scott Westerfeld

As a reader, I certainly have a bad habit of reading the very last page of a series that I am very much enjoying, this to me is to make me fully aware that the main protagonist, which is Tally in this case has chosen the right person in the end. Well the person I think she should be with. I really enjoyed the third novel, even with my hatred of Shay's annoying presence throughout this book. Fair enough she holds a little hate towards Tally from what she has done, but in my view what Shay did to Tally was much worse. Her changing into a viscous Special, a creature not a human. Tally's time as a special was interesting to discover, it shown how in the society of the Uglies, Smokies, Rusties and Pretties there is a much disturbing 'icy' upgrade. Doctor  Cable's creations all cause some form of fear throughout characters, but the ones to fear the most are the ones under Special Circumstance, the cutters. An 'icy' role and addition to this cruel world that Westerfeld has embarked upon. I have to admit as a girl I did want more of David within this book, I had a hunch that Tally would make the right choice in the end. You go girl! I also admit that Zane's ending didn't not surprise me at all I though that would be the outcome for him as he was soon introduced into the story.

 All in all, I really surprisingly enjoyed the series and it was a long time coming, thrilling, intense, dangerous fight to enforce the right rules upon society and how it can effect the world world we live in. If you want a roller-coaster to ride upon, this young adult science fiction series is for you. 

4/5 stars

Lydia S Jones

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